


2017年是医院建院120周年。为了更好的传承和发 扬省医精神,医院决定通过开展打造中国山东学术论 坛知名品牌等十项重点工作推进各项事业再上新台阶。微信截图_20190925144456.jpg

2017年8月,医院宣传片《hg7088皇冠手机注册》获国家卫计委“全 国卫生计生系统优秀广播影视作品”征集大赛三等奖。

2017年12月25日至28日,国家卫计委改善医疗服 务行动计划效果第三方评估工作顺利完成。

This year is its 120th anniversary. In order to better inherit and develop the spirit of Shandong Provincial Hospital, the hospital decides to through creating a famous brand of shandong academic BBS in China and other 9 key tasks, to push forward all undertakings to a new stage.

In August, 2017, the publicity film of the Sincere Doctor about the hospital was awarded the third prize of Excellent Broadcast Image Collection Contest of the National Health and Family Planning Commission.

From December 25th to 28th, 2017, the third party evaluation on the effectiveness of medical service action plan improved by National Health and Family Planning Commission was finished successfully.


2018年2月11日,医院第五届职工代表大会第一次 会议暨第九届工会会员代表大会胜利召开。

2018年3月,医院组织党员干部群众深入学习党的 十九届三中全会精神。

2018年3月,“2017 届中国医院竞争力顶级医院排 行榜”发布,医院喜登榜单第 28 位。

2018年4月18日,hg3088皇冠手机注册与山东广播电视台 签署战略合作协议,打造了国内首档医院电视栏目《hg3088皇冠手机注册》。

2018年4月19日,医院“大学习、大调研、大改进” 专题会、“双创双提双满意”工作启动推进会及党建 工作会相机召开。

On February 11, 2018, the first meeting of the fifth employee representative meeting of the hospital and the member representative assembly of the ninth guild were successfully held.

In March 2018, the hospital organized party members and cadres to thoroughly study the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 19th Party Congress.

In March 2018, the “2017 China Hospital Competitiveness Top Hospital Rankings” was released, and the hospital ranked 28th in the list.

On April 18, 2018, the hospital and Shandong Radio and Television cooperated in the first domestic hospital TV program "Hundred Years of Provincial Medicine".

On April 19, 2018, the hospital's "Great Learning, Big Research, Great Improvement" special meeting, "Double-Creation Double-Double Satisfaction" work promotion meeting and party building work meeting were held.